Newton's Blog

Sunday, January 24, 2010, ( 75 views )  - Posted by Emily

I am not sure what has triggered it; but today, I am missing Newton a lot. I have been listening to his tribute song for the past two hours over and over. Maybe it is because I have a ton of work to get done today and am doing it while sitting on the couch watching football. Anytime I would sit on the couch and work, Newton would lay right next to me with his leg against my leg. He didn't cuddle often, so when he did, it would make my day.

This year, the West region has been re-orged and I moved from the Pacific Southwest to the Great West (which is an expanded Southwest). There will be lots of traveling in my future both with work and for pleasure. In February, I will be going to San Francisco and Salt Lake for work and Reno and Cozumel for fun. I need some R&R.

After I had to help Newton to the bridge, I found great comfort in writing him letters every night. I think that I am going to have to start that back up again. I miss him so much. It just isn't the same without him by my side.

Friday, January 1, 2010, ( 81 views ) - My thoughts - Posted by Emily

Cheers to 2010! May it be filled with peace, hope, love, health, happiness, and laughter :-)

Sunday, December 27, 2009, ( 86 views ) - My thoughts - Posted by Emily

Every year, Mary has a holiday party for all of her puppy buyers. This year, it was pot luck style at the Robards's restaurant. It was so good to see everybody and the food was yummy. Homer and Maggie made the day complete so that I could get my Mastiff fix :-) For the gift exchange, I gave a sling shot chicken that makes noises. I thought that it was pretty cool. It would have been one of Newton's favorites for sure. I got some treats and a toy that Chloe will get to play with when she comes over.

Friday, December 25, 2009, ( 87 views ) - My thoughts - Posted by Emily

I hope that everybody has a safe and enjoying holiday. Make sure to take the time to tell the ones those close to you how much you care about them.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009, ( 87 views ) - My thoughts - Posted by Emily

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BOY!!! I hope that you are having a great time partying with all of your friends. Make sure that you stay out of trouble. I miss you.

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