Newton's Blog

Wednesday, March 11, 2009, ( 9 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

I had to go to Newark, NJ for a couple of days for work. Normally, I have Stephanie watch Newton while I am gone. Scott, Abby, and Jack had indicated that they wanted to watch Newton the next time I went out of town.

Newton is no longer nervous around Abby and Jack. He still sees them as treat machines and is doing a good job of obeying their commands. They spent most of their day playing with Newton, taking him for walks and reading him bedtime stories. Although Newton got tired the first few walks, his endurance built up quickly. He looked forward to all of his adventures with Abby and Jack and was quite the tired pup by the end of the day. He did very well. I'm super proud of my boy.

Monday, February 23, 2009, ( 12 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

I had to go to Southern California for work so Stephanie came over to take care of Newton. Stephanie has been petsitting Newton since he was 10 weeks old. When Stephanie and her family come to visit, Newton is one happy pup. I think that he sees them as his. I'm very fortunate that I have such a wonderful person to take care of Newton when I am gone.

Saturday, February 21, 2009, ( 9 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

I decided to bring Newton to stay at Scott's house over the weekend. Scott lives on 7 acres so there is a ton of space and lots and lots of bunnies and deer.

Newton had the time of his life. It was doggy Disneyland. He explored the land, chased some deer and bunnies, and was one of the most tired dogs that I have ever seen. He had a great time and I think that he likes Scott's house a lot.

Saturday, February 14, 2009, ( 9 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Today, Newton got to meet some pretty cool kids. My boyfriend, Scott, has two children (Abby - 8 and Jack - 11). Next to Stephanie's kids and Hailey, Newton isn't a super big fan of kids. Primarily because he hasn't spent much time around many and the few times that he has encountered kids they are usually screaming and running around, both of which make Newton nervous.

Abby and Jack were a bit nervous at first, since Newton is a super huge dog, but became pretty comfortable with him after a few minutes. Newton saw them as treat machines and they were feeding him the good stuff so he was quite happy.

Monday, February 9, 2009, ( 9 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

Today we went to VCA to have Newton's stitches removed. Newton got to see Dr. Roberts. Dr. Roberts said that Newton's incision was looking good and that he was glad to see that Newton was doing so well.

I was just happy that Newton wasn't being a total monkey man at the vet's office. He did very well and made me a proud momma.

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