Newton's Blog

Thursday, December 4, 2008, ( 7 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

Newton is 2 months post amputation. Each day he gets stronger and becomes more like his old self. Today we went back up to CSU. It was a crazy snow day and took us almost 4 hours to make the drive. Newton had round 3 of carboplatin and also had chest X-Rays taken. So far, everything looks clear...yippie!!!

Since the previous medication they had prescribed for diarrhea didn't seem to be getting the job done, they prescribed Metronidazole. This is a med that Newton is quite familiar with. I call it his stress meds :-)

I'm so glad that he is doing so well. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't enjoy the time I have with him and am glad that I chose the treatment path that I did.

Thursday, November 27, 2008, ( 6 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

Happy Thanksgiving! Newton is doing very well. Today, I had two of my friends over to celebrate. While Newton didn't get to join us for the Thanksgiving feast, he did get to interact with Laura, Kristin, and myself when we were playing Wii bowling and Rock Band.

Newton did get to enjoy some turkey leftovers. Note to self: To much turkey makes Newton sick :-)

Saturday, November 22, 2008, ( 6 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

Newton is one lucky boy. For our carride for the day, we went to the bank and then went to McDonalds since he has been such a good boy. Last night, Lindsay and Tanner said that their daughter, Hailey adores Newton and she wants so bad for Newton to be her friend. Newton hasn't been the biggest fan of kids. Hailey did finally get the chance to pet him a few weeks after his amputation. He was very well behaved.

Armed with plain double cheeseburgers, Hailey and Lindsay came over to say hi to Newton. When they first got here, Newton was all about his attention barking. When he realized that Hailey had cheeseburgers, he was all about being her friend. Hailey was showered with drool love. After he finished his cheeseburgers he went outside and dug up his bone. Outside, he let Hailey hang out with him and she played fetch with his bone. The funniest part of the afternoon was when he grabbed the bone from Hailey and proceeded to bury it. We all got a good kick out of him pushing the rocks over the bone with his nose. Hailey was in heaven and we will have her come over a few times a week to say hi.

Friday, November 21, 2008, ( 7 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

Newton had a fun day today. We went for a brief car ride so that I could drop some bills off at the post office. Tonight I hung out with Lindsay and Tanner. We went to a karaoke bar. They have always been huge fans of Newton. Since they just live down the street, we carpooled to the Shack Sports Grill. When they dropped me off, they came in to see Newton. He was so excited to see them. They were quite impressed by how far he has come along since they last saw him at Halloween.

Thursday, November 20, 2008, ( 6 views ) - Treatment - Posted by Emily

Newton is doing quite well. The side effects that he has encountered with round 2 of chemo have been minimal. He is back to his old routine, which includes going to bed by midnight. Tonight I had a ton of work that I had to get done. I ended up staying up until 3 am. I laugh because each half hour Newton would come out of his room to check on me and to let me know that he thought it was time for me to go to bed. He is just the best.

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